Hair loss can be a challenging part of life, prompting many to search for a remedy. It’s something that can feel incredibly personal, as your hair can feel like part of your identity. If you’re going through it, it can be difficult to look beyond your own reflection in the mirror. Since hair loss does affect a significant number of people, you’re not alone. And while that in and of itself might not bring you comfort, that does mean others are seeking regrowth strategies too.
If you’re ready to begin looking for solutions to meet your hair loss needs, rest assured you have options. There are different techniques you can implement, and some even work well together. Whether you pick one tactic to try or a combination, is up to you. Keep reading to learn a few strategies for enhancing hair regrowth.
1. Medication
One of the hardest aspects of dealing with a medical condition is the vulnerability involved. Asking for help means embracing it’s something you need to deal with and that you need help. Hair loss is no different. It can be easy to put on a hat and ignore your receding hairline. But denial only works for so long.
If you’re at the point where you want to try something, minoxidil might be for you. It’s a topical (applied right on the scalp) medication that is used to treat hair loss and encourage regrowth. It works by improving blood flow and stimulating follicles. It’s FDA-approved, and you can even get it online. You simply fill out an intake form, a provider reviews it, and then the prescribed medicine is shipped right to your door. This delivery method can make treatment discrete and convenient.
2. Diet
Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. What you put on your body or don’t and what you consume or don’t has an impact on your health. What does this mean? For your skin if you don’t wear sunscreen or use lotion you might experience sun damage. If you drink soda but don’t drink water, your hydration and health in many areas can suffer.
Consuming a healthy diet will help with many areas in your life, including your hair health. Zinc, iron, and protein are three nutrients that are essential for your hair. Afterall, your hair shaft is made up of keratin, which is a protein. Look to red meats, eggs, seeds, nuts, leafy greens, and legumes as things to add to your diet. Like most pleas for healthy diets, limiting processed foods and sugars and upping your water intake is great too.
3. Hair Care
How you treat your hair matters. Harsh chemicals like those used when bleaching and dying your hair can cause damage and breakage over the years. Things like wearing the same tight braid pattern or straightening and blow drying your hair everyday can also do damage. If you’ve rocked the same style that requires a lot of upkeep, maybe it’s time for a change.
Give your hair a break with a low maintenance, low heat style for a bit. Talk to your stylist or barber about your hair type and what’s best for you. Maybe it’s fewer washes and more conditioner or adding oil. Look for ways to moisturize and nourish your scalp too. You might even treat yourself to a special hair towel and pillow case for ultimate care.
4. Surgical and Professional Procedures
After trying multiple treatment options, many choose to explore more invasive surgical options with the help of a professional. These options are a little more invasive, but they also have more immediate results. A hair transplant is usually the first surgical procedure that comes to mind. During this, a surgeon moves growing hair follicles from DHT-resistant areas of the scalp to your balding areas. Kind of like transplanting flowers, your physician is moving healthy and growing follicles to a new area to grow.
Another option that is considered surgical is a scalp reduction. This is also considered a permanent solution, but it can be a little more painful and requires a longer healing time. Instead of moving follicles, a surgeon moves a section of scalp with local anesthetic. The skin where you’re balding is simply removed and a section of skin with healthy hair growth is moved to replace it.
A slightly less invasive, professional treatment is micropigmentation. You’ve likely heard of folks doing microblading for their eyebrows. Did you know it's a cosmetic option for the illusion of thicker hair? Scalp micropigmentation (SMP), like microblading, is a medical tattooing process where pigment micro dots are applied to your skin. It does not really make your hair regrow, but it makes the thinning areas less noticeable with semi-permanent results. Adding this with some other methods might help your overall aesthetic look.
Hope for Wellness
No matter the technique or techniques you try, sometimes just taking that first step is huge. If one strategy doesn’t work for you, move on to the next. Regrowth takes time and many of the strategies are not an instant fix. Your thinning didn’t happen overnight so try to be patient in the regrowth process as well.
Regardless of your hair style or thickness, remember one thing, your value isn’t tied up in your hair. Work on overall wellness, both physically and mentally. Try to be unapologetically you. That health and wholeness will bring a shine to you. And hopefully healthier and thicker hair will be a bonus.