Quitting smoking is a challenging yet absolutely life-changing goal for many people. The process of quitting smoking is often very difficult, and without setting realistic goals, it can be easy to become discouraged and give up. Setting realistic goals before quitting smoking is crucial to making the process more manageable and will go a long way towards ensuring your long-term success.
Whether you’re tired of stopping your e-liquid from leaking or if you’re constantly worried about the negative effects of cigarettes, this article is for you in regards to the goals you should be setting to effectively quit.
Understand why you’re quitting
The first step to setting realistic goals is to understand why quitting smoking is important. We all know the obvious reasons - smoking is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide, and harms your health in multiple ways.
There will likely be personal reasons for you as well - wanting to set an example for your children, needing to save money; creating a written list of your reasons to quit is a great place to start with setting your goals.
Setting strategic goals
Once the importance of quitting smoking is understood, the next step is to set achievable goals. Setting goals that are too ambitious can be overwhelming and lead to disappointment; it’s essential for you to set achievable goals that can be accomplished steadily over time.
For example, setting a goal to quit smoking entirely in a single week may not be a realistic goal for many people, and it’s likely that you’ll become discouraged when you fail to achieve it. Instead, setting a goal to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day or per week may be more achievable, and will help you to build momentum towards the ultimate goal of quitting smoking entirely.
Make the goals measurable
You also need to ensure that your goals are measurable. Setting vague goals, like "I’m going to quit smoking," can make it challenging to track your progress. Setting smaller, specific goals, like saying "I’ll smoke no more than five cigarettes a day for the next week" or "I’ll go for a 30-minute walk instead of smoking after dinner," can greatly increase the chances that you achieve long and short term success, allowing you to feel positive about the process.
Fit your goals to your personal circumstances
It’s also important that you set goals that are realistic based on your personal circumstances. Factors such as stress and other lifestyle factors can make quitting smoking much more challenging.
Setting goals that take these factors into account, while providing strategies for coping with them, can help make the process of quitting smoking much more manageable. For example, setting a goal to avoid social situations where smoking is prevalent may not be realistic for everyone, but setting a goal to bring nicotine gum or a vape to these situations can provide a realistic way of coping.
Track your progress
Finally, setting realistic goals means implementing a plan for tracking progress and making certain adjustments as needed. Regular reassessment of your goals can help determine what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to make adjustments as needed. Celebrating your successes, not matter how big or small, can help to build motivation towards the ultimate goal of quitting smoking entirely.
Setting realistic goals when quitting smoking is crucial for your success. By understanding the importance of quitting smoking, setting measurable goals, and tracking your progress over time, you can successfully quit smoking and achieve the lifestyle and health that you’ve always wanted.