Diabetic neuropathy is one of the main causes of nontraumatic amputations and a prevalent microvascular consequence of diabetes. The existence of symptoms and/or indications of peripheral nerve damage in patients with diabetes after ruling out other causes is a commonly accepted definition of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
DPN is thought to happen in 50–90% of people with diabetes who have had the disease for more than 10 years, depending on the criteria. Peripheral nerve dysfunction in diabetics should be viewed as a neurological expression of the disease rather than a neurological consequence.
Over the past few decades, type 2 diabetes has become far more common. An increase in the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy, which causes gradual pain, loss of sensation (particularly in the feet), weakness, and incapacity, has coincided with this trend. The main goals of conventional therapy have been to manage pain and control diabetes.
Neurotherapy Treatment Protocol
Treatments for neuropathy aimed at enhancing the flow of oxygen, getting rid of waste, and enhancing nutrition to injured nerves. Increased blood flow to the injured peripheral nerves along with therapies that promote regeneration and repair of the peripheral nerve cells.
It promotes circulation to the injured nerves, which enhances and increases nutrients and oxygen. Stimulates the regeneration of new nerve cells to repair damaged peripheral fibers. It also removes mechanical peripheral nerve compressions and entrapments from the spine and limbs.
In addition to improving circulation and treating the underlying causes of neuropathy, these innovative treatments also activate electrical and chemical processes to reduce pain and hasten the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue. The body's natural repair processes are aided by this cellular stimulation to promote the proliferation of nerve cells, reduce pain, and heal damaged tissues.
Benefits of PEMF for Diabetic Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy, in particular, is the cause of neuropathic pain. The ectopic firing of unmyelinated C-fibers results in a buildup of sodium and calcium channels. PEMF has been proposed as a potential moderator of neuropathic pain because it safely creates low-frequency currents that can depolarize, repolarize, and hyperpolarize neurons. This energy is applied to the sole of one foot.
In 2003, a study involved 121 individuals with diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) before and after sessions of PEMF treatment with complex modulation (PEMF-CM) at various frequencies (10-100 Hz).
The authors found that declines in the amplitude of the H reflex and the Hmax/Mmax ratio in the muscles of the lower leg were the "earliest and most significant electroneuromyography indications of DPN." The authors noted "regression of the main clinical symptoms of DPN, improvement in the state of afferent neurons, improvement in the conductive function of peripheral nerves, and improvement in the reflex excitability of functionally diverse motor neurons in the spinal cord" following PEMF-CM therapy. The study's authors came to the conclusion that PEMF-CM at 10 Hz was therapeutically effective, particularly in patients with early-stage DPN and those who have had diabetes mellitus for up to 10 years.
In 2004, researchers conducted a pilot trial to determine whether PEMF therapy administered over the course of nine consecutive one-hour sessions in a doctor's office (excluding weekends) can lessen neuropathic pain scores in patients with refractory feet. 24 patients with sympathetic polyneuropathy that was resistant and had many etiologies, including diabetes, were included in the study. The 9 hours of treatment were only given to the problematic foot, and the pain was gauged before, just after, and 30 days after therapy using a visual analog scale (VAS).
Final Verdict
PEMF is an innovative and non-invasive method of enhancing health. It effectively acts as a recharger for the body's electrical battery by stimulating and duplicating the earth's natural electromagnetic frequencies. The most important benefit of PEMF treatment is to provide recovery from diabetic neuropathy.