The desire for fresher and younger-looking skin is a phenomenon that has been around for a while. Queens like Cleopatra used to bathe in milk and rub themselves with fermented grapes to make their skin soft. However, the world has changed, and modern procedures like a chemical peel come with it. So what exactly is a Chemical peel, and how is it related to fresher skin? Read on to learn more about chemical peels and how to use them.
What is Chemical Peel?
A chemical peel, otherwise known as chemexfoliation, is a cosmetic procedure that improves the texture and appearance of the skin. The procedure involves applying a chemical solution directly to the skin to remove the upper layers to allow smoother skin to grow. The chemical solution will allow the damaged skin to peel and fall off, revealing youthful skin.
Chemical Peels is an outpatient procedure performed in the doctor's office or a surgery center. For fresher skin, the dermatologist will first thoroughly cleanse the skin to remove excess oils before applying the chemical solutions. Some of the chemical solutions used are glycolic acid, phenol, better known as carbolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, or lactic acid.
Once applied, these chemicals cause a controlled injury that causes old skin to fall off to clear dead cells and other skin-clogging substances.
Chemical Peels works on:
- Fines lines located around the eyes and mouth
- Improving the feel of the skin
- Freckles and dark patches
- Acne
- Wrinkles
- Precancerous scaly spots
Things like skin sags, lumps, deep scars, and deep facial lines don't respond well to chemical peels, so you may have to consider other cosmetic procedures.
Chemical Peels and Fresher Skin
Your doctor may advise you to consider chemical peels for the skin, and here is why.
Skin Products Perform Better
According to David Bank, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Columbia University, once the acid is applied to the skin and the top layer is shed, your body will send signals to the cells below to multiply and move higher up. Cosmetics products respond well to younger-looking skin because of the absence of dead cells that could impede their penetration into the skin.
Chemical Peels Remove Acne Scars
The chemical peel procedure will help break down comedones, small flesh-colored acne papules exfoliating the skin. They remove dead skin tissues on the epidermis and dermis. As dead skin tissues and cells and excess oil are kept from clogging the hair follicles, acne gets reduced. The procedure can also reduce pigmentation caused by earlier acne.
Stimulate the Growth of Collagen
Collagen is a protein produced by the body found mostly in connective tissue, skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage. As the dead cells are shed, and new cells grow, there will be an increase in the production of collagen and more hyaluronic acid.
The chemical solutions, particularly glycolic acid, stimulate the growth of collagen. Collagen helps in improving hydration, skin moisture, and elasticity. Additionally, collagen helps in reducing wrinkles and roughness of the skin.
Uncover a Fresher Skin
Chemical Peels is a restorative procedure fully customizable by your dermatologist that will help uncover younger-looking skin. To learn more about chemical peels, book an appointment with us today.