There are many different types of bidets in bathrooms around the world, and not all of them work the same. If you've used toilet paper...
There are many different types of bidets in bathrooms around the world, and not all of them work the same. If you've used toilet paper your entire life, you may not know how to use any of them confidently.
Are you using bidets correctly? And if not, how can you update your technique?
Back to Basics: Using a Bidet
There’s a “proper” way to use a bidet for optimal hygiene, and it goes something like this:
- Position yourself appropriately. You'll need to sit as normal, with your legs slightly apart. Depending on how you and the bidet are positioned, you may need to lean forward slightly. Your posture doesn't matter much, aside from enabling you to get a thorough clean and providing you enough comfort to make the experience enjoyable.
- Adjust the temperature (if you can). Some types of bidets and nozzles have settings that allow you to control the temperature. Most people prefer a warm stream of water to a cold one, since it's less startling – especially in winter months. If there is a temperature control on the device, make sure you use it to get access to the temperature you desire.
- Adjust the spray (if desired). Similarly, check to see if there's a setting to change the nature of the spray. On a simple bidet, there may be only one setting by default. On a more advanced device, there may be a wide range of different spray settings. As a minimum, you can usually expect to have a concentrated spray and a delicate mist available. Choose whichever type of spray you feel is most appropriate and give it a test.
- Aim the nozzle. After that, you'll need to aim the nozzle at the area you intend to clean. Different types of nozzles can be aimed and positioned in different ways. If you're using a bidet for the first time, tinker with the positioning so you have a better understanding of your range of motion.
- Let the water flow (and rinse). When you're ready, turn on the water and let it flow, rinsing yourself for around 30 seconds. You may prefer a longer or shorter clean. In any case, keep a grip on the nozzle and move it around so it allows you to be completely rinsed.
- Pad yourself with a bit of toilet paper. When you're satisfied with the clean, consider patting yourself dry with a bit of toilet paper. One of the main reasons to invest in a bidet is to reduce your reliance on toilet paper, but you don't need much to get yourself dry. Overall, you'll cut down considerably on your toilet paper usage.
- Wash your hands thoroughly. As you would any other time you use the bathroom, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before exiting. Use soap, scrub every surface of your hands and fingers, and rinse thoroughly to clean.
Additional Tips for Using a Bidet
You can get even more value out of your bidet by learning (and utilizing) the following tips:
- Be choosy when selecting a bidet. There are many different types of bidets available, from traditional standalone models that require a separate plumbing line to simple attachments that work off your existing toilet. It's important to be discerning as a consumer, so review all the options available to you before making a final purchase. Depending on your bathroom, your personal habits, your preferences, and other factors, some models are going to work better than others. It's also a good idea to read reviews and testimonials of different bidet models so you can understand how they work for a general audience.
- Always inspect the bidet first. Whether you're using your own bidet for the first time or you're using someone else's bidet, it's important to inspect this device before using it. Different models have different controls available, and may be used in different ways. If you jump in without looking at the settings, you might set yourself up for an unpleasant, startling surprise.
- Experiment with other features. There are many different features available on modern bidets, so if you want to get even more value out of your device, make sure you experiment with them. Do you feel cleaner after using a different spray setting? Is the experience more comfortable if you adjust the temperature early in the experience? Is there an air dry setting that helps you get dry without the need for toilet paper?
- Keep your bidet clean. Finally, make sure you keep your bidet clean. Cleaning it regularly ensures a hygienic experience for everyone.
Using a bidet isn't rocket science, but it's also not intuitive for lifetime toilet paper users. Fortunately, you can master the art of bidet use after just a few experiences – and truly appreciate how useful this bathroom device is.