Vaping with an electronic device has become the best alternative to quitting tobacco. And you can usually see more and more people vaping.
Millions of people worldwide have discovered one of the best tools to help you quit smoking effectively and safely.
Vaping as an Alternative to Tobacco Smoking among Celebrities
Today we can see actors smoking uwell caliburn vapes in countless movies, but many of them not only use e-cigarettes for their scenes but also use electronic devices in real life. In addition, many celebrities have already decided to experiment with e-cigarettes, enjoying the flavors of the liquids. And some of them have chosen the safest option - vaping without nicotine ( So let's get inspired by celebrity stories and consider whether smokers should switch to e-cigarettes.
Johnny Depp Smokes at the Tourist Hotel
The movie The Tourist, starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, was one of the first times we saw the actor smoke. In the scene, we see the actor riding the train, smoking an e-cigarette, and a "No Smoking" sign on the train.
But the actor not only smokes in scenes in his movies, but he does it regularly. As a result, we can see it in countless publications.
Bruno Mars Managed to Quit Smoking Thanks to Vaping
Pop star Bruno Mars also managed to quit smoking in 2013 through the use of vaping cigarettes, and not only that, but he also funded the e-cig brand NJOY. The Arizona-based company did not hesitate to release a statement saying Bruno Mars was one of its influential investors. The actor started smoking after his mother died and also took the opportunity to do so on Mother's Day, honoring her death.
Leonardo DiCaprio is Proud of his E-cigarette
It's not hard to see Leonardo DiCaprio smoking in any magazine. We've seen him at the Oscars, on the beach, walking or dining in New York City's finest restaurants. Yet, the Hollywood actor doesn't cut himself or hover anywhere.
In 2016, when many celebrities were still vaping starter kits, we could already see the actor with a powerful alternating voltage electronic mod and a clearomizer.
Katy Perry, the Great Advocate of the Electronic Cigarette
American singer Katy Perry is a great advocate of vaping. We could see her at the Golden Globes sharing her vape device with Orlando Bloom, who also vapes.
Katie is a big proponent of using a vape to help quit smoking, and we can see how proud she is on her social media.
Jack Nicholson Smokes in Style
But if we want to see a super-actor vaping in style, we can't stop looking at Jack Nicholson, where the 80-year-old man shows off his vaping pen while signing autographs for his fans.
The 80-year-old assures us that he can't give up vaping, and giving up tobacco has also been a big revelation. As you can see, many have decided to quit smoking and switch to vaping, which is certainly healthier, odorless, and fashionable among the world's top celebrities.
Simon Cowell
This famous American Idol and Factor X juror has joined the vaping community to quit smoking. But this life change has a deeper reason: he didn't want to smoke around his son. A beautiful gesture of love, right?
Why Choose a Vape as an Alternative?
The English Department of Public Health published a report detailing that at least 20,000 people a year in the United Kingdom manage to quit smoking thanks to e-cigarettes. This success has prompted numerous medical societies to demand that vapes be considered medications.
There are many factors why you should switch to vape devices. Here are some reasons:
- Vapes do not contain tobacco. Tobacco is a plant and contains nicotine. Vaping, on the other hand, may contain nicotine, but it never has tobacco. In fact, more often than not, it is a way out of tobacco addiction, from which eight million people die each year in the world.
- The ability to smoke without nicotine. For users trying to minimize the harms of smoking as much as possible - the ideal option is no nicotine vape.
- Vaping is cheaper than smoking. In addition, Vaping helps save money because although the initial cost is more expensive (for instance a nicotine free vape pen costs $50 to $70), refills barely cost about $5 and last for weeks.
- Vaping is 95% healthier than smoking. After analyzing decades of scientific research on e-cigarettes, the UK Department of Health and the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom determined that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking. In other words, the possible harm e-cigarettes can cause no more than 5% of the harm caused by tobacco with its hundreds of carcinogens.
- Tobacco smoke is carcinogenic. Vapor is not. Tobacco smoke contains over 700 chemicals, one of which is nicotine. About a hundred of these chemicals are classified by health authorities as causing potential disease. These tobacco chemicals are not present in vape capsules but contain elements such as water, vegetable glycerin (used in the food industry), nicotine acetate, and flavorings. All of these ingredients are under the control of the Department of Health.
For one reason, these celebrities quit smoking by switching to vaping. We hope their experiences can accompany you and motivate you because if they could, so could you.
This is the default choice for a better alternative to quitting smoking. Because you don't have to make a big daily investment with non nicotine vape pen, as with tobacco, the essences can last a few days, and the gear shouldn't need to be changed from time to time because it has a good duration of action. Also, it is common for those who want to experience vaping experience with one of these devices. Choose the right e-cigarette for you and enjoy using it.