If you’ve got children, you’ll likely understand the stress that comes with shoe shopping. It can be difficult to choose the perfect pair of school shoes for your son or daughter, and once you have, making them last can be an utter nightmare. After all, kids love running wild, which translates to a shorter lifespan for their school footwear!
So, with this adorable fact in mind (one that’s unfortunate for their footwear, of course), here are a few ways you can make your kids’ school shoes last longer than they probably should.
Do Not Machine-Wash Shoes
This can often seem like the simplest and quickest option. If your child comes from home school with their shoes caked in mud from an afternoon of sports, it can be tempting just to throw them in the washing machine.
However, one way to make sure your kids’ shoes last longer to keep them out of your washing machine. Although it will take longer, opt for hand washing them instead. Scrub them by hand as soon as you get the chance so that dirt doesn’t have time to dry up and really stick to the surface of the shoes. Also, if cleaning dirty shoes is a regular occurrence you may want to invest in a proper shoe cleaning kit.
In any case, whichever way you wash your kids’ footwear – be it cleaning by hand or using a cleaning kit – you must first check the material of the shoes. Certain cleaning methods only work on certain materials, and some techniques might even damage shoes altogether. Therefore, it’s advisable to take some time to research what kind of cleaning method will best work for the shoes in question – that way, you’ll ensure your cleaning efforts don’t go to waste.
Use Protective Sprays
You can purchase a wide range of protective sprays that will keep shoes looking fresher for longer. Once again, the type of spray you need will depend largely on the material of your kids’ footwear. As the sole is often the area that will wear out first, you should start with a sole protector spray.
To shield shoes all the way through winter, you may also want to consider using a water-repellent solution. This will add to the longevity of your children’s footwear by protecting them against water damage.
Buy Quality
Whether your children need smart shoes or sporting footwear, opting for quality and brands you recognize is part of the process of achieving longevity. As the age-old saying goes, ‘if you buy cheap, you buy twice’ – and that sentiment is especially true of shoes.
Although quality is perhaps the most important thing to consider when discussing the lifespan of shoes, you’ll also want to think about style. Opt for something classic and stylish that won’t go out of fashion in a hurry – that way, you won’t be rushing to keep up with the school trends. For example, Puma boys athletic shoes offer quality and style, which are key factors to take into account if you have sporty children who love after-school sports and other extracurricular activities.
Invest in Shoe Storage
Children the world over tend to kick their shoes off in random directions as soon as they get through the front door – and this could actually be damaging them. As such, try to designate a specific area for shoes or invest in a shoe storage solution where your kids can safely place their shoes when they get home from school.
Naturally, the real battle will be encouraging your children to use said storage – although, that being said, it’s a battle worth fighting. Shoes that are not proeprly stored can get trampled, damaged by direct sunlight, and become stretched and lose their shape. Thus, for maximum longevity, keep them in a dark, dry space where they won’t get wet or trodden on.