Having body hair is natural. Some people have light body hair, while others have it much denser. In some cases, however, the hair growth reaches an extreme level. Under such circumstances, the situation is no longer normal.
Excessive body hair is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it does make one feel uncomfortable. That is especially true when you have to go out in public places, like the beach. Thus, comes the need to get rid of unwanted body hair. So let us delve into that. First, however, we need to know what causes excessive body hair growth, and what effects it has on us.
What Causes Excessive Body Hair Growth?
Excessive hair growth is not normal. It happens because of a health condition known as Hypertrichosis. Eating disorders can also cause abnormal hair growth. Cancer, Dermatomyositis, and POEMS syndrome are also responsible for excessive hair growth. Thus, it is best if you can consult a doctor before you decide on dealing with the growth.
Is It Bad to Have Excessive Hair Growth?
Excessive hair growth is bad in the sense that you might feel insecure because of it. That is especially common when you are going out to social gatherings. Excessive hair growth in teenagers means that they are going through a lot of hormonal changes. That, in turn, can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health-related problems.
Dealing with Unwanted Body Hair
The three main ways to deal with unwanted body hair are laser hair removal treatment, waxing, and shaving. Let us take a quick look at the pros and cons for each of them.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser treatment for hair removal is arguably the best way to remove unwanted body hair. The machines clinics use for laser hair removal treatment are very advanced. They ensure efficiency, accuracy, and a painless experience. With laser hair removal treatment, you will get plenty of benefits. For starters, it is a pain-free experience. Unlike waxing, laser treatment will not hurt you in any way. However, you might feel slight irritations at times.
Laser hair treatment can also cover all parts of your body. This is something impossible to achieve with waxing. Wax strips work best with plain surfaces. However, laser treatment can cover every inch of your skin, just the way you want it to.
Perhaps the most vital feature of laser hair removal treatment is that it is long-lasting. That means laser treatment can prevent unwanted hair growth. It does so by damaging the hair follicles. Whereas waxing only strips away the topmost layer of hair, laser treatment does so at the root level. Hence, hair regrowth in waxing is a lot quicker than that of post-laser hair removal treatment.
Laser hair removal can get costly though. Small areas usually cost around $150 to $300 per session. Medium to large areas can cost upwards of $300, all the way up to $400 per session.
Waxing is a cheaper solution to removing unwanted body hair. Smaller areas will cost you around $25. Medium areas will cost $40. Larger areas can cost up to $80. Waxing, therefore, is a more affordable solution.
However, with waxing, you will not get to see long-term results. Since waxing does not damage or remove the hair follicles, hair growth will continue after a few days of waxing. So whereas laser hair removal can prevent excessive hair growth for months, waxing can do so for just weeks.
Besides, waxing is also painful. The first-time waxing experience is always the most painful one. Sadly, it does not get any better afterward. You can never fully get used to the pain that accompanies waxing.
Shaving is the cheapest solution to removing unwanted body hair. However, it is not the safest one. Shaving will not lead to faster or denser hair growth. However, it can cause razor burns, cuts, irritations, and harm you in other ways. Also, shaving is less effective than waxing. So there is no point in going for this option unless you are in a hurry and need a quick solution to remove excessive body hair.
That is all you need to know about unwanted hair growth and how to get rid of them. Do your research as well, and then decide how you want to proceed with your body hair growth.