Throughout human history, people have adopted fashion trends that may be peculiar and foreign to those of the modern age. Yet, they were all the rage during their time.
For example, during the middle-ages, affluent men wore hose and thin leggings, tunics, and garments similar to skirts. And though today this sort of wear would be more fashionable for women, during the time it was considered the mark of high society.
In today’s world, fashion includes everything from the shoes on your feet to the type of hairstyle you wear. And other trends include attributes such as white teeth, a youthful complexion, and particular styles of makeup and eye-shadow.
Keeping up with trends might be difficult for some or irrelevant to others. But if beauty and fashion are both something you’re passionate about, the following will help you to keep up with the latest trends.
Extremely White Teeth
If you’d like to perform an experiment, watch a movie from the ’70s or ’80s and pay particular attention to the actors’ teeth. Then compare those movies with those of the last 10 years or so and you’ll notice a stark contrast in whiteness.
This is because, in recent years, white teeth have become trendy not only in popular culture, but with many of our sports figures, actors, politicians, and the like. White teeth are looked upon as healthy. Therefore, the whiter they are the healthier you probably are, right?
Well, not so fast. The fact is, many of these polished ivory grins you see are actually not real but look real; they often come in the form of snap-on veneers, partial bridges, dentures, and the like.
Not everyone is born with a thick coating of enamel on their teeth, and some people neglect their teeth. As such, fake teeth give you the power of a healthy-looking smile.
It's best to have professional teeth whitening though than to buy over-the-counter products. If you're unsure where to get a reliable dentist, a simple Google search for a term like "dentists Boynton Beach FL" should give you some options.
Skater Wear
The skateboarder lifestyle has seen a recent surge in popularity in recent years. And this includes everything from T-shirts and shoes to the actual sport itself. But this wasn’t always the case.
The fact is, during the 1980s, skateboarding was a subculture that wasn’t looked upon as admirably as it is today. And believe it or not, skateboarding was often associated with a punk lifestyle that was otherwise thought of as gross or distasteful in popular circles.
Basically, skateboarding was far from mainstream or popular until its introduction into the X-games, and when skateboarding legend Tony Hawk gave the sport a face, and this changed the game forever.
Today, brands like Thrasher, Vans, Santa Cruz, and Primitive are all the rage for Gen-Z and younger Millennials, and even though many of those who wear this apparel would be classified as “posers” back in the ‘80s, today this is a strong fashion trend in 2021.
Eyeshadow as Eyeliner
If you’ve ever been on TikTok, you probably know that there’s a whole lot going on. And much of it might not make any sense if you’re not a part of Gen-Z. But the fact is that TikTok is where trends are being born.
For the last several years, sharp and precise creases and “cat” eyes were the standards for eye makeup styles across the country. But as TikTok became a central influencer in American culture, things began to shift.
In 2021, soft and diffused eyeliner made a grand entrance and now a soft shadow with a more seamless quality has emerged as a preferred style, making its wearer look less “made up” and more youthful. And this trend is forecast to continue a rise in popularity, at least until the next big fashion trend comes along of course.
Trends have always come to popularity by one means or another. And just as quickly it seems these trends fade away altogether. But if history is any indicator, the trends of yesteryear often make a reappearance somewhere along the line. So get your bell bottoms ready, because it’s only a matter of time before we see these again, too.