The best way to stay healthy is by eating a balanced diet that includes foods and drinks from all of the different food groups. This blog post will discuss some of the top healthiest green foods and drinks that you should include in your diet.
Broccoli is a powerhouse vegetable that is full of vitamins and minerals. It not only contains Vitamin C, A, K but also has anti-cancer properties. Broccoli can help prevent cancer from spreading in the body because it reduces inflammation which in turn helps to reduce swelling and pain associated with conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's Disease.
However, not many people are a fan of this green vegetable. If this includes you, then perhaps you can try taking supplements with this green ingredient instead. This is where the Athletic Greens superfood will prove to be beneficial because it has not only 40 ingredients but also contains over 70 trace minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. These superfoods will help ensure that you get to enjoy the benefits that green vegetables, such as broccoli, can give.
Spinach is another green leafy vegetable that contains a wide array of nutrients and minerals such as B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, folate, calcium, and phosphorus. You can add spinach to several recipes such as salads, smoothies, and even in your pasta sauce. You can also opt for taking supplements that have been fortified with green vegetables like spinach rather than simply eating the vegetable itself.
Kale (all types)
For people who are looking for ways to incorporate more green vegetables into their diet, then kale is the way to go. It's also one of the healthiest foods you can eat because it contains omega-three fatty acids, calcium, vitamin K and C. Kale can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or steamed. It can also be brewed to make tea.
What's great about kale is that it contains a rich source of all the important vitamins and minerals that people need for good health but it doesn't taste like grass which is what happens when you eat a lot of spinach. It also tastes great when added to various recipes such as smoothies, juices, and salads.
Arugula is commonly used as an herb in Italian dishes like salads or different kinds of pasta. It provides a tasty alternative for people who are tired of eating regular lettuce all the time. Arugula is not only rich in Vitamins K but also has anti-inflammatory properties. It's also high in fiber, making it great for digestion.
This green leafy vegetable is commonly used in juice or powder form because it has many health benefits. Wheatgrass contains over 90 minerals which include calcium, magnesium, and iron, as well as phosphorus and amino acids. Wheatgrass is also rich in chlorophyll which helps to boost the body's supply of oxygen.
You can easily incorporate wheatgrass into your diet by adding it to green smoothies or juices, as well as salads, soups, or pasta sauce. This way you'll be able to enjoy all its health benefits because there are no downsides to adding this green vegetable into your diet.
Celery is a green vegetable that is rich in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to improve the body's detoxification process. Celery has been shown to contain Vitamins A and B complex as well.
Cucumbers are a popular summer vegetable that contains many health benefits. It's commonly used in salads or even as a garnish on dishes such as soups or sushi rolls because of its refreshing taste which makes it great for warmer days. Cucumbers contain Vitamin K and beta-carotene which is important for eyesight, as well as Vitamin C. It's also rich in polyphenols that help to fight off free radicals.
The great thing about avocados is they taste delicious. You can add them to several recipes such as salads, sandwiches and even make a simple avocado smoothie. What's more, is that there are several health benefits that this green fruit can give to you. Avocado is high in monounsaturated fatty acids which helps reduce the risk of heart disease because it lowers bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels at the same time. It's also rich in antioxidants, fiber, and potassium.
Have you tried any of these foods? You may be getting more benefits than just a tasty snack. The health benefits of these foods and drinks are too good to pass up. These are all healthy options that have been shown to help reduce the risk for chronic diseases and promote brain health, as well as lower cholesterol levels. Try incorporating some or all of these into your diet to lower the odds of acquiring various diseases and enjoy a better quality of life.