Do you feel tired more often than you used to? Have you noticed a loss of either body hair or muscle mass? Your testosterone levels may be lower than your body needs to support these functions. Here are some easy ways to increase your hormone production naturally.
Check Your Testosterone Level
As you age, it’s natural for testosterone levels to drop. Your body changes and doesn’t need as much as it once did. However, if they fall below the optimal amount, you can experience many different symptoms. Some of the common ones are:
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Loss of body hair
- Low sex drive
- Decreased lean muscle mass
Before you try to increase your hormone levels, getting an accurate measurement with a testosterone test is necessary. Once you have confirmed your totals, follow these suggestions to bring them back to an optimal range.
Watch What You Eat
The food you consume plays an integral part in your overall health, including your testosterone levels. When you restrict your calories or consume well above your body’s needs, your hormones become unbalanced. Eating whole foods with plenty of protein and a reasonable amount of fats and carbohydrates is necessary for hormone health. This is especially important as low testosterone promotes fat storage, which makes it easy to gain weight. By eating a balanced diet, not only are you making it easier for your body to increase the production of testosterone, but you are also following a diet that encourages optimal body weight.
Spend Some Time in the Sun
Another way to improve your hormone levels is to increase your consumption of vitamin D. This vitamin is unique in that you get it from sunshine. Spending time in the sun provides your body with plenty of vitamin D, which is vital for overall health and boosts testosterone production. If you prefer an alternative, vitamin D is available in a wide variety of supplements.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Your life is busy, and you may not be getting enough sleep. When you consistently get less than eight hours of sleep, your body doesn’t spend enough time in its rest phase to recover from your busy days. This means you don’t have the opportunity to produce the needed amount of testosterone. A good night’s sleep is at least eight hours long, but no more than 10. Some studies have shown that hormone amounts decrease by 15% for every hour less than eight. Getting into good sleeping habits increases your testosterone production and helps you feel less tired during the day.
Participate in Weight Lifting
Going to the gym is another thing you can do to improve your body’s overall health and increase testosterone. Spending a few times a week lifting weights is key to enhancing hormone production. Since low testosterone makes you more likely to gain weight, working out helps reverse or prevent obesity while encouraging an increase in your hormone levels.
Decrease Stress
When you are in a state of feeling stressed, your body produces a large amount of cortisol. This chemical interferes with the natural production of hormones such as testosterone. The best way to decrease cortisol in your system is to limit the amount of stress in your life. While this may be difficult with work and family obligations, there are ways to counteract the effects of stress. Some people find a taking a few minutes to do some deep breathing or stretching helps neutralize the feelings of stress.
If you want to increase your testosterone levels naturally, follow these suggestions for easy ways to do it. Not only do these suggestions help increase your hormones, but they promote better health overall.