Product launch marketing is an important strategy for a business to increase awareness and loyalty to its products. A product launch support plan outlines the details of the company's strategy for promoting a new product launch, from the creation of a product to its distribution and first major launch. Although this plan does not include every step of the product development process, it does describe the core elements and the targeted customer base.
The Basics Of Launching A New Product
The product launch marketing plan can be as simple as a few sentences or can go into depth with detailed descriptions of product elements and target markets. A marketing plan is an organized list of actions, processes, and concepts that a business uses to launch its new product in the marketplace. The marketing plan may also include pre-launch consumer testing, beta testing program, and ongoing customer support. Nowadays, using social media as a tool for marketing plans is very common, and many startup businesses resort to using methods to buy Facebook likes to widen their reach. Below are some of the topics that you might consider when writing your marketing plan.
Identify Your Target Audience
This is probably the most important part of your product launch marketing strategy. Who are you trying to reach? Are you trying to reach more women, more senior citizens, more children, more men, or a combination of men and women? Think about your target audiences to help define the content, colors, and theme of your campaign. This is one of the proven tips for email marketing, online marketing, or even traditional marketing methods.
Define Your Target Market
When writing your product launch marketing plan, consider who you want to reach with your campaign. The audience will be one of the most important parts of your strategy. For example, if you want to target senior citizens, then your theme and headlines should be based around the senior citizen and the products or services that they use.
Look at potential customers
Before you write your marketing content, make sure that you have an idea of who your target audience might be. You can do this by speaking to your target audience directly, via surveys, or by focusing on your current customers. Remember that the demographics of your audience are just as important as your marketing message. You can even use an email finder if you have a prospect business you're trying to reach out but can't find their info anywhere.
Hype The Hype
One of the reasons that many people fail when it comes to launching new products is because they launch them too early. Many times new startups wait until launch day to do their marketing campaign and then realize that the hype wasn't all that they had hoped for. Hype makes everything sound like a huge success when it's really not. Aim for simplicity and exclusivity when it comes to your marketing campaign.
Forget The Typical Elements Of Product Launches
Many startup companies rely on typical elements of launch marketing campaigns like press releases, TV commercials, online ads, and so forth, but these traditional elements are not effective if you're launching something new. Instead, focus on offering up something truly unique and different to your audience, something that will be hard to duplicate among other similar products. A good example of this is launching your fitness equipment business the same way as another health club launched by the same company.
Product launches don't happen overnight, so you shouldn't expect to see results the next day. Even if you do get lucky and have the product launch you want the day after the launch, you should still follow through with a few follow-up activities in order to ensure that your message spreads. Try sending out a tweet a day or two after the event, asking your followers to check out the new product, Foursquare or areas keywords explorer. Then you'll know that your followers are aware of what you are doing. If they don't buy it, send them a follow-up tweet a few days later.