Are you unhappy with the way your skin looks? Are you doing everything in your power to pamper it and still end up with disappointing results? There are so many ways you can cleanse your skin, and if it is not responding well to the treatment, you should definitely change something. With several evening skincare tricks, you can make a huge difference and turn your dull, dry skin into a radiant one.
Use suitable products
Are you one of those people who use the same products during their nighttime and daytime routine? If so, you are making a huge mistake. The skin is far more permeable at night, which has its pros and cons. While it is more receptive to skincare products, it also loses hydration while you are asleep. Therefore, before you go to bed, you should reward your skin with products designed for repair, exfoliation, and anti-inflammation as well as a heavier moisturizer.
Cleanse your face earlier than usual
How many times did you go to bed without cleansing your face because you were too tired to do it? You don’t have to perform your nighttime routine just before you jump into bed. Instead, you can do it after the sun goes down. That is when your skin begins to repair itself. So, for the best effect use your beauty products earlier in the evening. If you wish to learn more about face cleansing mistakes, click here.
Get enough ZZZs
Beauty sleep is not called that way for nothing. When you sleep your skin recovers from harmful UV rays and other factors that might have damaged it during the day. Also, if you sleep only a couple of hours you will wake up with those nasty bags under your eyes. Therefore, make sure you establish a healthy sleep routine. That means sleeping in a dark room with no distractions such as electronic devices. Make sure you get eight hours of sleep a night and give your body time to work its own magic.
Drink water before bed
As mentioned, you should apply a heavy moisturizer before you go to sleep. However, you should also drink water before bed to keep your skin hydrated inside out. With that said, you need to drink eight glasses of water a day if you wish to have glowing skin. While you sleep you will lose water through your skin, so by drinking a glass of water before bed you will keep your skin hydrated throughout the night.
Use a silk pillowcase
If you wish to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and wake up with gorgeous skin, use a silk pillowcase. It repels moisture so your skin will stay more hydrated on silk than it would on percale cotton. Speaking of pillows, make sure you sleep with your head slightly elevated. This way you will reduce fluid retention in the eye area and avoid waking up with puffy eyes.
Get an air purifier
There are so many things floating in the air in your home that can harm your skin. Indoor irritants such as synthetic materials, chemicals, dust mites, and more can penetrate your skin while you sleep and speed up the aging process. By getting a home air purifier you can keep your air clean and improve your skin tone, reduce rashes, prevent dryness, and even get rid of those persistent acnes.
Giving your skin what it needs before you go to bed can be a real game-changer. Make sure you tend to your skin every single night and soon you will notice amazing results.