If you are one of those not-so-lucky people who are prone to having ingrown hairs, dealing with them can be tiring and frustrating. This means regular shaving, trimming, or waxing to keep your skin smooth and flawless. However, these techniques do not give long-term results and you need to deal with those things again and again. Much worse, ingrown hairs can be itchy or painful especially when these red, raised bumps become infected. Fortunately, there is one very effective and quick way on how to get rid of ingrown hairs, the laser hair removal procedure.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal is a revolutionary treatment for people who want an effective and pain-free way to end the agony of dealing with ingrown hairs. It guarantees a long period of not seeing those irritating and itchy red bumps in the chin, neck, armpit, legs, bikini line, or even back area.
This medical procedure enables a concentrated beam of light to destroy the hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. The heat of the light effectively delays or inhibits hair growth for a longer period. However, one session of laser hair removal will not give you permanent results. It needs multiple treatments to enjoy a significant reduction or absence of ingrown hairs.
What happens after the laser hair removal treatment?
After the initial treatment, you will notice gradual shedding of the hairs for several days to weeks. This looks like continued hair growth, but it is actually a fallout. To sustain the positive outcomes, you need to undergo repeated treatments every 4 to 6 weeks.
The rationale of follow-up procedures is to destroy the hair growth centre in the hair follicles and prevent the production of new hairs. The human hair typically goes through resting-growth cycles, so it is important to have at least 6 treatments to remove a substantial number of hairs in the treatment areas. During the resting period of the hair cycle, the hair follicles do not absorb enough heat from the laser light.
Why are the laser hair removal effects not permanent?
While a series of laser treatments lead to long-term hair reduction, it is not possible to permanently inhibit hair growth. Hair growth typically occurs in different and multiple phases, making it difficult to remove all hair follicles that produce hair shafts. There will always be hairs that grow back or become ingrown hairs. Also, hair growth is influenced by certain hormones and medications.
Is laser hair removal effective and safe for everyone?
Thanks to breakthrough laser technology, it is now possible for people who do not have fair skin and dark hair to enjoy the benefits of this cosmetic procedure. In the past, red-haired, grey-haired, white-haired, and blonde people had a harder time getting the desired results. This is because of the lack of pigments in the follicles to absorb the light.
For precautions, nursing and pregnant women are not good candidates for this treatment because the laser may cause potential harm to their child. The key to safety for any kind of cosmetic or medical procedure is finding the best provider with a long history of successful works.
How do you choose the best provider?
The primary factor to consider when choosing a laser hair removal specialist is his/her qualifications. A trusted, well-experienced, and licensed dermatologist or cosmetic professional is adept in tailoring the treatment according to the hair colour and skin type. A skilled, highly-trained doctor in using lasers with an in-depth knowledge of the types of skin would give you peace of mind.
Moreover, getting treatments is costly so you need to get the value of your investment. Otherwise, you are just throwing away your money and end up seriously harming your skin. The costs of laser hair removal treatment depend upon the area to be treated and the number of sessions your doctor recommends for excellent results.
Facts and Myths about laser hair removal treatment
Myth 1: The laser beam can burn the skin.
Fact: When performed by a professional dermatologist or specialist, you get assurance that he/she can accurately target the ingrown hair spot without damaging the surrounding skin.
Myth 2: The laser treatment can harm the internal organs.
Fact: The laser light targets the hair follicles and does not reach the internal organs of the body. Also, the light energy that the laser emits does not have a cancerous UV light.
Myth 3: You need to avoid shaving for one week before the procedure.
Fact: Shaving is recommended before the treatment, so you can do it anytime you want. It is a necessary pre-treatment to enable the laser energy to reach the melanin of the hair shafts underneath the skin’s surface. What you need to avoid doing before your treatment appointment is to pluck, bleach, or wax your hair because they can make the laser fail to do its job.
Forget about other ineffective ways of getting rid of ingrown hairs. Visit a dermatologist to determine if you are eligible for laser hair removal.