Discover effective and simple ways to fade and remove hair dye effortlessly, restoring your natural hair color with these expert tips and tricks.
Stuck with a terrible hair dye job? Or cannot wait to fade a boring colour to your naturally gorgeous locks or get a new hair colour instead? What to do in such a case when you do not want to damage your hair and use lightening agents such as bleach to come back to your former glorious hair or just remove or fade a dye? There are a number of natural ways one can easily and naturally remove and fade dye from hair. Most of these ingredients are already available at home and are most cheaper than over-the-counter tonics and potions available at pharmacies to remove hair dye. Since dying the hair is already a chemical way that cause the hair to go weak and limp, it is always better to go natural and use simple stuff that won't cause any damage to the hair.
Here are a few alternative hair dye removal and fading methods that are environmental friendly and free of any chemicals, and best is that they are already in your kitchen and bathroom cabinet. These methods can be used on semi-permanent or permanent hair dye, though you may have to use these remedies a couple of times before getting perfect results:
Anti-Dandruff & Clarifying Shampoo with Baking Soda
One of the easiest and simplest solution to fading hair dye is baking soda mixed with anti-dandruff or clarifying shampoo. People swear by this method as baking soda is a natural and effective cleansing agent and is often used to remove stains. When mixed with an anti-dandruff shampoo in the ratio 1:1, it gives quick results in getting rid of hair dye.
Anti-dandruff shampoo contains the active ingredient selenium sulfide, which is known to fade hair and even metallic jewelry, though the two ingredients won’t remove the dye completely after the first attempt. You shall have to repeat the process for a few days or for as long as needed. Clarifying shampoo is also said to do the same job, and adding baking soda in it works wonders too.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is a multi-purpose ingredient that adds shine and luster to the hair, gets rids of dandruff and also helps in fading and removing dye from the hair. Equal parts of white vinegar and water doused onto the hair and left for 15-20 minutes helps in solving your hair dye problem. White vinegar's acidity is said to strip off hair dye without damaging the scalp, as hair dyes do not handle acidic substances well.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the most non-abrasive option for getting rid of or fading hair dye, particularly a dark color. Vitamin C is also acidic, and the acid in vitamin C works by oxidizing the dye and, therefore, loosening up the dye's molecules. This method works best when used a few days after applying the dye, though would still give minimal results, nothing major. Consistency will be the key and you will have to repeat the method a number of times to get optimal results. Make a paste of water and Vitamin C tablets and apply on to your hair; wash off after 15 minutes.
Remember, all these methods tend to make the hair a bit dry, so best will be to use a hydrating conditioner later to maintain the beauty of your hair.