People could practice hair removal for hygiene, getting smooth skin, or removing unwanted hair growth in the face, armpits, or the pubic area. It may be considered a beauty practice for ages, which has led to many people doing it. The increase has also been influenced by the emergence of beauty salons and advertisements for hair removal products.
Traditionally, shaving was the primary way of hair removal. However, with improved technology, more advanced, safer, and effective methods have been discovered. Such methods include waxing, creams, and laser.
What Is Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal works by concentrating a beam of light on the body's particular part where the hair is to be removed. The heat from the beam of light destroys the follicle, preventing growth by killing the root. For safety, you may consider seeking the services of and other professionals when using laser treatment.
Laser treatment may prevent hair growth for several weeks. For optimum results, the doctor might recommend several treatments. The number of treatments to get is dependent on the type of hair and the result you want to achieve.
Why You Should Try Laser Treatment
After trying other treatment methods such as waxing or shaving, the results may have fallen short of your expectations or were accompanied by side effects such as black spots or ingrown hairs. Unlike older methods, laser treatment could be safer and suitable for different skin types.
There are reasons why you should opt for laser treatment as your go-to hair removal procedure. These are some of them:
- It Lasts Longer
Laser treatment aims to destroy the hairs from the root. Depending on the number of treatments administered, hair growth can be prevented for several months or sometimes permanently. For people who experience rapid hair growth or are bothered by the need to shave or wax regularly, using lasers could be a better alternative. You might go for several weeks without any hair growth on the treated areas.
- It’s Less Painful
Methods such as waxing and plucking could be painful as they involve the manual removal of hair. Shaving also risks body cuts and blisters in case of allergies. Laser treatment may be less painful as the cooling counterfactor of the beam soothes the skin. This method could eliminate the risk of blisters and irritations caused by ingrown hairs.
- Saves You Money
Other hair removal procedures could involve costly practices such as visiting beauty salons to get waxed, buying blades, and using after-shave creams. However, laser treatment may be long-lasting, hygienic, and safe. These advantages of using lasers instead of other procedures may help save money as you won't need the occasional purchases of creams and shavers or booking appointments with a beauty therapist.
- It’s Safer For Different Skin Tones
Laser treatment has been improved to reportedly work on different skin tones properly. It was hard for people with darker skin to use this treatment method in the past. This is because it was difficult for laser beams to differentiate between melanin and dark hair follicles. However, the improvement has allowed people to use the procedure without the risk of having their skin tone changed.
- It Boosts Confidence
People with unwanted hair on their faces or legs might have low self-esteem due to the societal view regarding body hair. As they seek remedies such as regular shaving, plucking, or waxing, they might end up getting blisters, black spots, and uneven skin tone. Laser procedures may help remove unwanted hair for longer periods, prevent black spots, and maintain the skin tone. This could be important for people targeting a summer vacation and who want to have clear skin.
- It’s A Simple Procedure
Unlike waxing, which would require you to clean up, or shaving, which will need you to apply creams and wash regularly, laser treatment is simple and easy. Once the treatment is administered, you could continue with your daily routine without worrying about following specific instructions to make the hair removal procedure successful or comfortable.
- Removes Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown hairs are a common accompaniment of hair removal. They grow back into the skin, causing pimple-link bumps. The bumps irritate and give your skin an unattractive look. When using the laser method, the follicle gets destroyed at its root, and therefore the hair can't grow back into the skin.
- Allows You To Explore Your Style
As hair removal might have several side effects, people experiencing them may get out in long clothes that cover their imperfections. Get the procedure right by using laser treatment, and you may get perfect skin. This may give you the confidence to explore different styles, such as wearing short dresses and short-sleeved tops.
Whether you’re looking to remove stubborn hair or you want clear and smooth skin, laser treatment is a method you could consider. It may offer more benefits compared to other traditional methods. The procedure is simple and could be easy to perform.