Accidents and mishaps are a common occurrence in a construction site. Since a construction site is subject to inherent hazards such as the potential for falling debris or the use of high-end equipment, it's imperative to implement the suitable safety gear to ensure that all employees are safe.
While all the employees in a construction site should go through OSHA safety training and be aware of safety protocols, they still need to be vigilant. Unfortunately, many accidents happen on the site, which could otherwise be thwarted.
This is often due to either ignorance or absence of the necessary safety gear, such as tall jersey barrier, and personal protection equipment (PPE). Sourcing appropriate safety gear from reputed online stores in Australia such as Workwear Hub may substantially decrease the chances and impact of workplace injuries in a construction site.
The Need for Safety Gear
There are several ways a worker can be accidentally injured during a construction project. According to statistics, the Australian construction industry has faced the most number of serious claims due to work-related injury and features in the top two when it comes to work-related fatalities.
The majority of fatal and non-fatal injuries in the workplace were associated with slips and falls, collisions with objects or vehicles, or improperly moving or lifting heavy objects. Most of these injuries and fatal accidents are expected during construction operations.
Must-have Safety Gear in a Construction Project
From headgear, eye protection, high-visibility clothing to safety footwear and respiratory protective equipment, here are some of the common types of safety gear and PPE that are essential in a construction workplace:
Head Protection
The hard hat or helmets are an essential piece of PPE for a construction project. They help safeguard workers from sustaining a head injury due to falling or flying objects prevalent in a construction site.
It's crucial to choose a hard hat that offers the right fit without being too large or small. A snug-fitting hard hat or helmet is vital for providing sufficient protection.
Eye and Face Shields
Flying debris is another common occurrence, so workers need to take the right steps to protect the eyes and face from harmful elements. Safety goggles, full face shields and spectacles are some of the most used shields that are often necessary for metalwork, woodwork and similar construction domains.
Respiratory Protection Equipment
Many people often ignore the necessity to safeguard the lungs during a construction project. Exposure to harmful fumes, debris, dust, paint spray and pollutants can be hazardous for the lungs. Hence, appropriate equipment like masks, filters and respirators can come in handy to protect workers on worksites with toxic substances and contaminants present in the air.
Hand and Skin Safety
Gloves are a common component of construction PPE. The ideal kind of glove to choose will depend on the type of work. There are several options, including rubber, chainsaw, heat-resistant and cut-resistant gloves. It’s best to opt for a proper fit and grip when choosing safety gloves available at online work apparel sites like WorkwearHub.
Hearing Protection
Ears are also often overlooked as many people often assume there is no potential risk to the ears. However, in worksites that are consistently subject to high noise levels, workers can use earplugs and earmuffs to reduce the impact of noise on the ears. This can go a long way to protect hearing.
Foot Security
Slip-resistant, puncture-resistant and safety-toed shoes are essential to protect any potential mishaps that can occur on a site. Due to the prevalence of hazards, the right pair of safety shoes can protect against any injury and prevent its occurrence.
High Visibility Clothing
Especially suited for road construction projects, high visibility garments are apparels that make the wearer more visible to moving traffic or machines in the worksite. Ensure that you get the right apparel with the correct fit and adhere to the relevant class certification required for a construction project.
How to Select the Right Construction Safety Gear
Several brands and makes of safety gear are available at online stores like WorkwearHub and can be useful for different scenarios. Here are some top considerations when selecting the right workers' gear:
● Durability
● Fit and Comfort
● Consider the Right Fabric and Make
● Assess any compliance requirements
● Examine common safety risks and select an appropriate preventive PPE
● Proper wear, care and disposal
● Proper grip and support
● Maintenance needs
Prevention is better than cure, and safety gear can serve as your first line of defence to protect from injuries on the job site. Fortunately, there are many options for safety gear available on platforms like WorkwearHub that can supply workers with affordable and durable solutions in recent times.