Being a mom and looking good has proven to be quite a challenge for many women all over the world. Your body goes through a series of ch...
Being a mom and looking good has proven to be quite a challenge for many women all over the world. Your body goes through a series of changes and may not fully revert to your pre-pregnant state if you don't take some initiative. Most of the time you are too busy attending to your baby and things like upgrading your closet, skincare, diets and even the mani-pedis you loved so much before start looking irrelevant. Well, it doesn't have to be like that. It is possible to love your baby and take care of them while still looking after yourself. Here are a few tips to help you go back and claim back your former glorious self:
Work out
May not seem like the brightest idea after being in a delivery room for hours and pushing a little human out of you, but it is necessary. Of course, you'll need to take some time to heal first and regain your strength. Exerting yourself after delivery, whether through birth or C-section, should be a no-no. It not only slows down your healing but may also be very painful.A few months after giving birth, check to make sure that any wounds you had have healed. T be sure, visit the doctor for an examination and let them give you the go-ahead. Start with small and more manageable work-outs and build up to more intense exercises. Be sure to work out your entire body instead of targeting your belly (it is tempting, I know.) This will set you on the right path to losing all the extra fat and regaining your pre-pregnancy body.
To be clear, you don't have to exercise to look good. If you feel great with your body and don't see the need to lose a few pounds, go out there and rock the world!
Watch your food
You may feel like you deserve all the chocolate in the world after being in a delivery room (honestly, you do) but if you don't want to gain more weight, you may want to take a little break from it. Remember your cravings and just how much ice cream and chocolate you ate when you were pregnant, talking about how you'll stop when the baby is here? Well, it is here.Instead of fats, sugar and excess carbs, try creating a filling and satisfying diet using healthier alternatives such as vegetables and vitamin-rich fruits. Try proteins and avoid processed foods and beverages.
If you find it a little hard to keep up with all the, ask your partner, family member or friend to help you keep track of what you eat. You can create a schedule with detailed information on what you eat at every meal every day. If you are breastfeeding, make sure that your diet includes lots of hydrating agents (water is the best) and foods that help you maintain a consistent milk supply.
Revamp your closet
It is FINALLY time to get rid of those baggy maternity clothes and trade them for something more fun. Of course, your body won't just go right into your old clothes after the delivery, but even then, most of your maternity clothes will probably look ridiculous on you.While you are working on getting your body back in the previous shape, why don't you take some time t clean out your closet and restock with new outfits? This is not just exciting but could also be quite therapeutical. You watch as you pregnancy clothes move out and you usher in the new person, or the person you were before the bump started changing things. This should give you a new sense of order that will motivate you to organise everything else in your life, including your lifestyle and habits to set yourself up for happiness and success. Shopping is an excellent way to de-stress, even if you are only shopping for baby clothes. Don't believe me? Try it and see.
Take care of your body
This is different from exercising and eating right - it is all about how you look. Your appearance. Those mani-pedis may have become less regular or even stopped altogether as your bump grew bigger, but now it is time to get back to them. Go out and do something nice for yourself. Get those nails done, let them trim your brows and wax your legs. Get some new make-up and get a new hairstyle. Treat yourself to a nice session at the spa and book a full-body massage. Improve your skincare routine and get some bold new lipstick.Watch your mental health
This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to look good. It is hard, almost impossible to look great when you are struggling with depression and stress.Post-partum depression affects many mothers. While some women don't even know that they are going through it, some just assume that it will go away with time and never seek help. If left untreated, it will only get worse and not only affect you but also everyone else around you. If you suspect that you may be going through this, please reach out to someone close and let them help you get in touch with a professional. Open up and let the doctor help you. This is the only way you can heal so that you can provide all the love, attention and support that your baby and your family needs.
In conclusion, it is very possible to be a mom and still keep your style. All you have to do is take care of your body and upgrade your closet now and then. The most important factor, however, is to take care of your mental health. Ask for help with the baby when you need it and take some time for yourself. Remember that if you treat your mind and body right, you won't be disappointed.