Premature ejaculation is defined as when a man ejaculates earlier than he wanted to. It may have been before he was enjoying sex, before hi...
Premature ejaculation is defined as when a man ejaculates earlier than he wanted to. It may have been before he was enjoying sex, before his partner was satisfied, or in extreme cases could be before penetration has even happened. Premature ejaculation affects one in three men, but far too often they are too embarrassed to seek help for the problem. There is, however, one very effective solution that men can implement themselves with fantastic results. This is a method called edging and it is a way for men suffering from premature ejaculation to take back control of their ejaculation. To explain how this method works, this article is a guide to the technique of edging and how it can help men to delay their ejaculation until they and their partner are ready.
What is Edging?
Edging is a process of learning exactly where your point of no return is so that you can get close to orgasm without actually climaxing. You can do this both on your own whilst masturbating or whilst having sex with your partner. Imagine that arousal is measured on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is not aroused at all and 10 is where you ejaculate. Stimulate yourself all the way up to 9 and then stop before you reach 10 and ejaculate. If you are practicing whilst having sex, you can simply stop at 9. At this point, you may kiss your partner, perform oral sex on them, or anything else which does not involve physically stimulating your penis. If you are masturbating, there is a range of things that you can do when you reach 9 on the arousal scale. Some men just stop altogether, whilst other men squeeze the tip of the penis which stops the blood flow into the penis. Whatever your preferred method, wait until you have dropped down to at least 3 or 4 on the arousal scale before you start having sex or masturbating again.How Does Edging Help Prevent Premature Ejaculation?
There are various causes of premature ejaculation, but edging is a great solution to many of them because it deals with the fundamental issue of not being in control of your ejaculation. There are many guides online for the best ways to implement edging and you can learn how by clicking here. Edging puts you more in tune with your body and heightens your awareness of where you are on the arousal scale. Being in touch with this enables you to stop when you are getting too aroused and then start again when your arousal has dropped. Most men cannot ejaculate for at least 45 minutes after they have already ejaculated so premature ejaculation can be very frustrating for both a man and his partner as they have to wait a long period of time to have sex again. With edging, however, it may only take a minute or so for your arousal levels to drop to a point where you can start again. Most men find that they can edge between three and five times during masturbation or a sex session but you'll have to figure out exactly what works best for you. Over time, edging actually increases your sexual stamina so that it will take you longer to reach your point of ejaculation in the first place, meaning that you will need to edge a few times to satisfy yourself and your partner.
How to Get Started?
The best way to start edging is when you masturbate as you can practice with no pressure when it's a convenient time for you. Give yourself a 30-minute window and try to edge your way through the whole 30 minutes without ejaculating. When you first start out there will be many occasions where you are unable to control your ejaculation, but that is totally normal. Just relax and practice regularly and you will start to see really incredible results in no time. Practicing with a partner requires good communication, but as the results of edging are going to be beneficial for both you and your partner, they will more than likely to understand. It is also a great opportunity for stimulating your partner in other ways that they enjoy rather than through penetration.
Too many men suffer in silence when it comes to premature ejaculation, but edging provides such a simple, effective solution. To get the best results, it is vital that you practice edging regularly, even every day when you first start out. Do not put any unnecessary pressure on yourself. Just enjoy the process and it could really transform your sex life.
Too many men suffer in silence when it comes to premature ejaculation, but edging provides such a simple, effective solution. To get the best results, it is vital that you practice edging regularly, even every day when you first start out. Do not put any unnecessary pressure on yourself. Just enjoy the process and it could really transform your sex life.