Despite socks being practical and hygienic, a lot of women’s footwear isn’t designed to be worn with them. This is especially true with ...
Whether you’re interested in getting socks for fashion or more practical reasons, chances are
that you need to take a look at the possibilities they have to offer. Check out these five things
all women should know about socks.
The Men’s Section Offers Plenty of Great Options
If you’re interested in expanding your podiatric possibilities with fun and funky socks, you
should take a look at what’s offered in the men’s section. Outside of the world of truly custom
clothing, the vast majority of socks that you’re likely to find are going to be intended for a
variety of feet. While women’s feet are generally smaller and narrower than men’s, socks will
generally work the exact same way. The truth is there isn’t much difference except in the way
they’re marketed.
Smaller-sized men’s socks are essentially no different from medium or larger-sized women’s
socks, except in the available colors and patterns. If you’re looking for performance or hiking
socks, the men’s section is likely to offer a much wider array of choices compared to the
women’s section. When paired with the right pair of women’s running shoes, a good men’s sock can easily take your feet to the next level. So don't be afraid to venture out and explore what's available in the men's aisle!
You Can (and Should) Play Around with Lengths
Don’t be afraid to play around with sock lengths or try knee high custom socks. Unlike men, women can get away with knee socks outside of a soccer game without people looking at us funny. Of course, everything else, including calf, mid-calf, and no-show socks are good to have, too.
When combined with different bottoms, socks of varying lengths can be used to control the
amount of skin you want to show, as well as where on your leg you want to show it. For
instance, you can pair ankle socks with a skirt or pants that end at mid-calf for an interesting
look that’s popular in streetwear circles. You could also pair knee socks with shorts as a way to
keep warm or covered up without full-length bottoms. The possibilities are almost endless.
Rolling Down Is a Legit Style Choice
Long socks could also be folded or rolled down for an interesting change of silhouette.
Depending on the type of material the sock has, you can have quite a range of different looks
available to you. Textured long wool socks rolled down to just around the ankle paired with a
mid-length skirt and pumps or boots, for instance, work especially well. Socks that are looser
above the ankle are quite versatile for this look. Just make sure that the socks fit well on your
feet, otherwise, you may be risking blisters.
You Can Never Have Too Many No-Show Socks
A lot of women’s shoes are specially designed to look their best without socks. Unfortunately,
wearing shoes without socks can be unhygienic. If you wear shoes without socks, your feet will
eventually start to stink, especially if you’re into closed-toe shoes.
Without a place for moisture to escape, closed-toe shoes can quickly accumulate moisture.
Coupled with the warmth of your feet, you’re encouraging the growth of nasty fungi and
bacteria each time you go without socks.
You could avoid all this by wearing socks and switching them out daily. Of course, some shoes
look awful with visible socks, and many of us would rather tempt a stinky fate than ruin our
Unfortunately, not wearing socks isn’t just bad for your feet — the moisture can prematurely
ruin your shoes, too. If you want your shoes to last longer, wearing socks is something you
should consider.
Thankfully, no-show socks are now better than they’ve ever been. These days, they’re not only
practically invisible, a lot of them now feature technology that inhibits the growth of mold and
bacteria. Even with these advancements, we recommend wearing a fresh pair daily.
You Should Always Get Socks That Fit
If the sock fits, wear it. The problem is most of us are used to wearing socks that may not fit
properly. Just because a sock is comfy, that doesn’t mean that it fits correctly.
For instance, socks that are too loose may feel great at first. Over time though, they can cause
your feet to have blisters. This is because they have more give to move around, which can
cause them to rub excessively on your skin.
On the other end of the spectrum, tight socks may not feel like such a big deal, especially if the
elastic is still stretchy. However, they can be just as bad for your feet as ill-fitting shoes. As with
tight shoes, tight socks can cause or exacerbate conditions like bunions and hammertoes.
We understand that dealing bit less-than-optimal fits is often something that women deal with,
but with socks, we thankfully have a choice. Regardless of the style or material, it’s important to
get socks that are snug but don’t cause your toes to crowd together. The arch and heel should
likewise be snug without being constricting. Seams should be flat and not rub against your skin.
There shouldn’t be any loose material on the foot area, and you shouldn’t have to fold it over.
The looseness above the ankle is a matter of taste, though, as we explained in #3.
We hope you found these tips and ideas informative. Having the right socks isn’t just about
hygiene. It’s about comfort, confidence, and being able to pull a look together and elevate it to
something else fresh and exciting. Good luck on your hunt for new socks!