Discover the allure of dating older women! Unveil the surprising benefits and find out why mature romance can lead to an amazing connection.
Our assistant editor Joey Bass talks about discovering the world of cougar dating and finding pleasure and excitement in dating older women.
Fresh out of college, it seemed to me that I had seen most of the world’s usual, and I yearned for more, a little spice in life. Fun-loving and easy-going, my life never exactly had been nurtured with unusual experiences and it had been what the norm is – school, college, friends and dating. I began dating in high school and till the point of graduating from college I can say with affirmation that I have been strong in the dating pool.
Yet I grew tiresome with the usual girls, the emotional baggage, the expectations and the need for a promise of forever, and so tried my hand at cougar dating. What is cougar dating? I was introduced to cougar dating by a friend and have enjoyed it so much that I tell everyone what a satisfying and fulfilling experience it is. Cougar dating is dating a mature and experienced woman, and though that is a taboo in the society, I strongly believe women over 45 are more confident, intimate and attractive, both in and out of the bedroom!
The sensuality that they have about them, and mostly the no strings attached experience is what ties me to them. My cougar dates know exactly what they want from me, and that is not a romantic movie and dinner date or a high-end shopping spree, it is just the fun and casual time full of energy and zero boredom.
While young women tend to get attracted by financial status or job titles, cougar women just want the zest of dating someone younger, and they don’t judge you for material things or monetary aspects. Honestly speaking, older women treat you as a fun date and not a future marriage prospect, and that feels like a breath of fresh air to someone like me, who is not ready to settle down anytime soon, while every girl in my age bracket seems to want a diamond on her finger just after the first date.
The conventional dating game left me frustrated and irritated, and cougar dating gave me newfound energy and zeal. I have found out that older women dating younger men is fuss free and full of excitement, and even the bedroom experience will leave you wanting more. Cougar women are bold in bed, and they are just there for the fling which makes you even more relaxed in their company.
While much older men dating quite young women is considered the norm in the society, cougar women hanging out with a young man mostly labels them as slutty and trashy, but I feel it is high time we change that notion. My own experience with cougar dating has been a smooth ride and has also developed more confidence in me. Cougar women are passionate and there is no reason why one should not date them.
Some unconventional enjoyment in life, getting out of the traditional dating pool and being with a more mature and sophisticated woman is no headache and only adds spark to life. As long as the cougar dating channel is a safe, friendly and comfortable space, one should feel at ease and try their luck with a woman of certain age.