Staying healthy is crucial for college students. Check out these 7 essential health tips for college students to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Right after high school graduation, not everyone will proceed to university and get a college degree. However, there are still quite a lot who choose to do so. And those who do, are immediately swept into the exciting and adventurous, yet tedious life of a college student.
Going to college can be quite a taxing venture. In fact, a lot of college students end up so stressed with their schedules that they end up developing some risky health problems. As a student, this, just simply won’t do. Remember that as you go through your daily lives as university students, your body and health is your number one investment. If you end up sick and incapable of performing your regular school tasks, everything will be put to waste. All your efforts to ace the entrance exam, all your bravado while facing the interview board, and the effort into submitting a well-written admission letter will be all for naught. Thus, it is very adamant that you take care of yourself.
Now, there are a lot of ways on how to make sure that you stay healthy and happy in university.
Here are 7 helpful health tips to get you started:
Spend enough time sleeping
Sleeping is for the weak. Sleeping is leisure. These two statements are true to what most college students live by on a day to day basis. A high percentage of students suffer from lack of sleep every day. This can be primarily due to the hectic and demanding schedule that university goers adhere to. Getting enough hours of sleep is one of, if not the most, important secrets to a healthy life. It is because when you sleep, your body takes a rest as well. All the stimuli that hit you during the day are processed when you sleep so that when you wake up, you are refreshed. However, this process doesn’t happen within two to four hours. At least eight hours of sleep is needed so that your body can fully refresh and you wake up alive, alert and ready to take on anything. So, before you think of pulling an all-nighter, think about your health.Drink enough water
Drinking water. It may be funny to hear or think, but a high percentage of college students nowadays do not get enough amount of water into their systems. Students are sometimes so busy with their studies and coping with college drama that a lot of them forget to stay hydrated. Drinking soda and alcohol does not count here. Most students end up forgetting that water is very important for the body. The body works best, and the brain thinks best when there is enough water supply circulating within. If you really want to maintain a healthy lifestyle while in college, start with drinking enough water.Eat healthy foods
When stress becomes too much, a lot of college students turn to food to relieve some of the pressure. Most of these foods end up better in the dumpster than in the stomach. Because of the fast pace of college living, a lot of students prefer to eat foods that are fast and convenient to eat. Fries, pizza, ready-made food packs. These are only some of the most common stuff college students gulp down in huge amounts. These kinds of stuff are good for short-lived gulping, like once a week, but eating them daily is just a big no. If you are in college and suffering from stress, their many breakfast or dinner ideas out there that only takes utmost 40 – 50 minutes to make. Surely, that is ample time for you.Be active and stay active
Another important factor that you can do to maintain your health as a college student is to stay active. In fact, one sure way of maintaining a healthy mind and body is to move. Even if it’s a short walk from your dorm to class, just move. It is recommended that to stay fit, a person must do moderate cardio five times per week. This can be a 30-minute run, walk, or swim. If there is an aerobics class every morning or after school, you can join that as well. Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential, so see to it that you do.Maintain good hygiene
With all types of diseases that come and go everywhere, it is very important that you maintain a proper and good hygiene. This is one of the surefire ways to keeping yourself healthy. College students always come in contact with each other. Just the mere gesture of handing over the test paper, borrowing phones, and any other point of contact, is enough to spread viruses like flu. To avoid this, always make it habit to wash your hands before you eat or before you touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Don’t be that poor sap who ended up missing an important lecture because of catching a cold.Make time to for yourself
One important rule to follow is that always find time to relax. It is very important that you give yourself a break. Whenever you feel like everything is just too much, stop. Just stop. Take a deep breath and take out that favorite book you’ve hidden. Watch a movie. Give time to yourself to unwind and rest. Making time to relax is highly beneficial for you. As a matter of fact, reading your favorite novel, cooking your favorite food, or doing the things you love, will do wonders for your mood and your mindset. Doing something that makes you comfortable and happy will help you keep good health.Socialize and make friends
Staying in a dorm room or an apartment far away from home can be a stressful experience on its own. Add in all those home works, essays, and hectic schedule, and you’ve got yourself a fiasco. If you want to get through your college life intact and relatively healthy, socialize and make friends. Do not be a hermit. Go out with your classmate. Enjoy your life as a college student. Remember that no man is an island. Do not go through college life alone. Also, keep in touch with your loved ones. They will provide you with the comfort and support that you will need.College can be quite an intimidating experience. So intimidating to the point that it can affect your health. However, there is no need to subject yourself to such. Just keep a balanced and healthy life. Don’t focus too much on your studies that you forget yourself, the same manner that you should not focus on trivial things that you lose sight of your goals. Maintain a healthy body and a healthy disposition and you’ll breeze through college just fine.